Wednesday, July 29, 2009
60 Years Later Still as Haunting--- Death of a Race Horse

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Del Mar and Saratoga-- Racing and Charity Go Hand and Hand

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Bebe Neuwirth and horsewoman Josephine Abercrombie will be honored Aug. 6 at the eighth annual Equine Advocates’ gala at Canfield Casino.This popular event annually attracts leaders in the thoroughbred industry and fans who want to rub elbows with horse racing’s elite. They all have one thing in common — they are passionate about saving horses from senseless slaughter and neglect. Equine Advocates, a leading rescue organization based in Chatham, is the home of 75 horses that have been spared. Neuwirth will be recognized with the Safe Home Equine Protection Award as an outspoken advocate against horse slaughter and for her life-long commitment to protecting animals at awards dinner and charity auction. “It is our patriotic duty to ensure the safety and the well-being of horses in this country,” Neuwirth said. This annual event has always been Equine Advocates’ most important fund-raiser and will be even more so this year due to the down-turn in the economy that has affected most nonprofit organizations across the country. A limited number of tickets at $250 per person are available. For more information, call (518) 245-1599. All proceeds will go toward Equine Advocates’ horse rescue, sanctuary and humane education programs.
Thursday July 30, 2009
Event: Don McBeth Memorial Fund Dinner with the Jockeys and Actor Tim Conway!
Where: Pamplemousse Grille
Details: Limited to 100 people. Tim Conway will tend bar and the jockeys will wait tables
Contact: Reservation: 858-792-9090 http://www.donmcbethfund.org/
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Del Mar Country Club
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
We will be joined by the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club as DMTC's 2009 summer charity golf event. Hosted by Alex Solis and his celebrity friends in attendance. Dinner/Silent & Live Auction to follow a day of golf. For more information, click to see the brochure as a Word document or PDF. Call to be put on the mailing list. Contact: http://www.cerfhorses.org/

Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament
Will most more events as the summer progresses!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Lukas-- The Worlds Smartest Horse- & the Good News He Spreads

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
An Equine's Rights??-- The Argument for and Against Retirement of Horses and Second Careers
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
30 Year Old WA Hall of Famer-- Chinook Pass Alive and Well

I met such a celebrity on Saturday in the horse barn at the King County Fair in Enumclaw. His name is Chinook Pass. In his case, all of these roles are handled by one person, Jill Hallin, who is, to borrow a term from his publicity materials, his "long-time companion." And then there's Ellie, his entourage.
Jill does the heavy lifting. Ellie's job is just to hang out, allowing the thoroughbred to hog the limelight while she naps in the corner. Every now and then, though, the entourage decides to make a bid for some attention and emerge from the shadows.
"What happened to her ears?" a concerned visitor asked, clearly fearing that Chinook was responsible somehow.
Jill laughed. "She's a La Mancha. They are not supposed to have ears."

The bay gelding didn't look much like a ear-ripper to me anyway. He accepted the caresses of a stream of young people at the King County Fair, although he kept an ear flicked towards Jill most of the time. She was busy answering the multitude of questions, including mine.
Standing back by the table were Ron and Sharon Ellenberg. They came to the fair just to see this horse, but they don't want to intrude on the kids who are eager to visit him also until I urge them to step in for a photo.
They were there in the stands the day he came tearing down the stretch to win the Longacres Mile in 1983 by six lengths, the crowd roaring.
"They were all on their feet," Ron said.
"He was a wonderful horse," Sharon added.
That was 26 years ago and the last of his 25 races. Chinook Pass celebrated his thirtieth birthday in April at Emerald Downs. He's a member of the Washington Thoroughbred Hall of Fame and the subject of a series of articles written by John Loftus about the horse and his connections that reaches far back into the glory days of racing. With 15 wins, many of them stakes races, and nearly half a million dollars to his credit, Chinook is a well-known phenomenon. He was described by jockey Laffit Pincay as "the fastest horse I ever rode, and the fastest horse I ever saw. I have often thought that he might've been the fastest Thoroughbred that ever lived."
Chinook had the pure speed of a sprinter, who still managed to stretch out and win at a mile that memorable August day in 1983.

The first article in the series by John Loftus also relates how Chinook came to live with Jill, who worked at Donida Farm, where an attempt was made to rehab him and bring him back to the races again. When he didn't handle the return to training, he was retired and eventually became Jill's riding horse, doing dressage and showing. It's not a bad finish for an ex-racehorse who, regardless of his glorious wins, was a gelding and therefore not destined to pass on his genes. Continuing to work has obviously helped kept him going, though he is no longer being ridden. I ran my hand over his haunches and was suprised to feel so much muscle there.
Thirty is not unheard of for a horse, not even close to a record. But it is still fairly remarkable, particularly for a horse that gave so much so young, and I asked Jill what she thought the key to his longevity was.
"Routine," she said. "Structure. Daily turnout." She also watches his diet, but he has never colicked.
Emotional nourishment could be added to that list of key factors. When Jill removed Ellie from the stall during a momentary lull in the stream of visitors, Chinook was suddenly a very different horse. He emitted an uneasy rumbling nicker, and his eyes flashed white as he paced the front of the stall. The moment she returned, the anxiety subsided and he relaxed.
At home, Chinook has an equine entourage - Turbo, another retired stakes horse (registered name Turban) who ran from Jim Penney's barn, Heller (Hellerhighwater) whose career was considerably less grand, an Appy mare and a little POA named Charlie, most of whom are still working in Jill's lesson program (she is a British Certified Riding Instructor). They are all considerably younger, and crowd the fence when someone shows up with a carrot.
Chinook doesn't rush over like the others, but when he shows up, "he parts the waters," as Jill says. The others recognize his celebrity status and step aside.
He doesn't make many appearances these days, but since the fair in Enumclaw was close, Jill trailered him over. He might appear calm now, but he was all excited when they arrived, Jill told me, and pranced all the way to his stall.
For a horse that has traveled to Santa Anita, to Del Mar and to Hollywood Park, getting off the trailer still means something. Just like for his fans Ron and Sharon when they recall his race, the years fall away. His age may show in his swayed back, and his racing years in his bowed tendons, but his self assurance belongs to a horse that is anchored securely in this moment.
I think to the list of Chinook's longevity secrets we should add another - Jill Hallin, who says little of her own accomplishments with him, cheerfully shares his past with his old fans, and helps him acquire new ones.
Hopefully Chinook Pass will continue to make occasional public outings -- he can do more with one touch of his nose to help future generations appreciate former race horses than all the scribbling in the world.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Abandoned Horses a Sign of the Times--- Domesticated Horses Cannot Survive on Their Own

Last week I saw the story of a beautiful grey Quarter Horse that was found wandering in Nevada with a very large square patch of it's hide cut away. The person or persons that abandoned the horse, had the forethought to cut the brand off of the horse so that if it was discovered alive, it could not be traced back to its owner(s). Details and the photos are here.
http://www.2news.tv/news/50494407.html The story is disturbing and illustrates the lengths to which many horse owners are going to, to remove their responsibility to their horses. However there is a proper and correct way to give up your horse, this of course certainly was a horrific manner to complete that same task.
Abandonment of a horse is a crime in all 50 states, the fines and penalties vary widely and admittedly these "crimes" are not being prosecuted. Having laws on the books, without enforcement is an empty threat at best. In Indiana in 2008 there was a reported story, that a sheriff department official when called upon to act on the starvation of horses found on a lot, said it could not as the county could not afford to feed them. Rescues, shelters and county facilities across the United States are reporting trailers being pulled up to their doors, with underweight horses being left on their doorsteps. Most owners beg for their horses to be taken in. People generally want to do the right thing and are not negligent, they just can't continue the burden of the cost to feed their horses.
The economy has forced all of us to rethink how we spend our dollars. Foreclosures have been the norm for the past two years, and people are having to downsize to stay afloat. Pets are now seen as luxuries and many owners have had to make the painful decision to leave them behind. In real estate dealings dogs, cats and other beloved pets are being found in foreclosed homes at an alarming rate.
Last year, the Los Angeles County shelter took in 188 abandoned or abused horses -- up 600 percent from the previous year. "There are no hard numbers on this," said Michael Markarian of the Humane Society of the United States. "The states don't seem to be keeping numbers. The economy has been hard on everybody, and animals are no exception." (excerpt from a CNN article dated 3/22/09)
A horse is not so easily left behind, it's not easy to hide a horse in a back bedroom. Leaving the barn door open and hoping the horse can fend for itself in the elements is a myth. Adding to this phenomena is that a domesticated horse is not suited for, nor would be accepted by a wild herd.
"To turn a domesticated horse loose into the wilds and think that he or she will blend right in is a somewhat irresponsible notion," Kerry M Thomas, Equine Ethological Researcher/Behavior Expert and Founder of THT, http://www.thomasherdingtechnique.com/ specializes in Equine Athletic Psychology. "A great number of variables fall into play, and the domesticated horse in a wild horse's world, especially a stallion, would have a difficult time belonging to a bachelor herd, and a very difficult go of taking over a breeding band. The life lead could very likely be more like the injured and abandoned wild horse unable to keep up. Diseases and other infirmities could be a serious issue and deeply damage a healthy band of wild horses and adversely affect the intricate social herd dynamics as well as the localized ecosystems. Then there is the issue of the breeding female infecting the genotype. In reality it isn't as much a matter of can they do it, but the question moves toward should they be allowed to. I say certainly not."
Google "abandoned horse" and you will find story after story of horses being found wandering in the Southern California desert, or showing up as this gray horse did on someone elses property.
So how does a responsible horse owner either try to hold onto their horse during tough times or give up their horse? Contact the local rescues in your area. They will have the ability to assess if they can in fact take in the horse. Most rescues network with each other and can give you other alternatives. The Humane Society is a resource as well. Many shelters are full and funds are not available. It will take work on the owners part to find a home. Consider donating your horse to a charity, so that the charity can sell the horse and proceeds from the sale benefit the organization and can also in some cases provide a tax write off for the owner. (Read my post http://thesecondrace.blogspot.com/2009/07/donating-your-horse-to-charity-featured.html). Bartering has become popular with other services and could be conducted similarly between parties so that horse owners could keep their horses in hay, vaccinations and shoes. Allowing a dentistry clinic utilizing an owners horses, could help out students obtain their education and reduce the costs of having a horses teeth floated, thereby using funds to feed instead. Other alternatives are humane euthanasia and there have been recent clinics sponsored by NorCal Rescue among others at a reduced cost to assist owners. These decisions are difficult and ultimately up the the owner of the horse to make.
Posting a horse for "free" brings about a cautionary tale. Often times the person that answers that ad does not have the best interest of the horse in mind and are "fronts" for kill buyers. When possible in offering a free horse, do the homework to ensure that in fact the horse will have a good home. Visit where the horse will be living, meet the care givers, what is their experience, what will the horse be doing. Example a horse that is in someones' backyard as a pasture ornament might not be suited for trail riding, or jumping. Your horse if not suited to the expected 'new life' may find itself right back in harms way.
No one can plan for every facet of life and what will come it's way. Having a realistic plan in the eventuality that you may have to give up your beloved equine friend should be considered well in advance, not at a time when emotions are running high and hope is ebbing.
Let's hope we see less stories in the future of abandoned horses and we wish well the recovery of this beautiful Grey that sparked this posting.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The End of a Racing Meet Finds Me With a Renewed Sense of Hope?
It was Sunday late in the afternoon after the 8th race at Hollywood Park that I decided to visit the backside to see how Spring House was after his race.
Two weeks prior I had visited him in Julio Canani's barn and he was full of himself. You sensed he was ready for a big race. He was jumping out of his skin and the handsome dark brown gelding was a joy to be around. Spring House has become a favorite of mind during this past meet. As usual, the barn was a bustle of activity. If you have never been to the backside of a race track there really isn't anything else like it. It has it's own rhythm, culture and lifestyle. Saturday, the day before the race was much the same. I did note that there were more horse transport vans than usual, and rental vans had desks, chairs, tack and every other item you can imagine loaded up in them, but that was to be expected as the horsemen had been excitedly talking for a week about Del Mar, the next stop on the So Cal racing circuit. I watched as horse after horse were being lead up the ramps, and wondered who he or she was. All with their legs wrapped ready for the long ride down the highway, they were loaded up efficiently.
Well Spring House did not win his race on Sunday, but I was proud of him just the same and wanted to say goodbye before I left. The difference in 24 hours was amazing. The backside at this late hour of the afternoon was a ghost town. Barn after barn were cleaned out, some looked as if nothing had occupied the stalls even a day prior. When I reached Julio's barn, Spring House was happily eating up his mash, and barely flicked his tail in recognition that someone was standing outside his stall. To me that was a sign of a happy and hungry race horse, and so I said goodbye and told him I would see him soon. As I was getting ready to leave, for some reason I looked down the shed row and noticed five or six heads peering out from their stalls. To that point, I hadn't paid attention to who else occupied the barn.
The horses looked forlorn and there was something different about them that drew me to walk down the row. I noticed several of the stalls were empty, most with trash strewn about and these five or six horses. One in particular with the brown eyes that only a horse possesses stared at me. I stared right back and found my pulse quickening. Where was their hay, where was their food, and where were their caretakers? I looked around and there was no one in the barn at all. And then a thought crossed my mind, have these horses been left behind? Are these the "less than's" that I worry about at the end of a racing meet? Surely someone was coming for them? Another horse was eating the straw in his soiled stall, and I was beginning to feel a sense of panic that I couldn't describe. I was imagining things, I told myself, too much time spent thinking about rescuing horses had made me jaded. I faintly heard my friend say "who left these horses here"?
As we both stared at each other and the horses, a van pulled up to the barn. We slowly, in our own thoughts, walked to my car. We looked back in unison to see if the proximity of the van to the barn somehow ensured that we were correct and the van was there to take the horses to the next stop, Del Mar. Surely no one would leave the horses behind, I told myself over and over again. Yes, of course don't be silly Sharla, of course someone will wrap their legs and give them a small bit of hay as they drive down the highway to make the trip less stressful, of course they will, of course they will be running in Del Mar enjoying the cool beach air, of course........ I drove home in silence.
For a story about a horse that was not forgotten read this post from The Blood Horse regarding Boule D'Or.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Horses on the Hill Day & Horse and Owner of the Day

As horse advocates come to the US Capitol Hill today to show their support for H.R. 503 and S. 727, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, it is important for those unable to join us call their elected officials. Please follow the information below to make your three calls. Be sure to share this information with everyone you know so they can be heard. A call, an email and a visit all make a tremendous difference. Thank you! For more on horse slaughter and how to help visit http://www.every5minutes.org/.
Date: July 14, 2009
Time: 10am – 5pm
Number: Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your two US Senators and US Representative’s offices just ask to be connected to your two U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative. They’ll ask for your address and connect you. Its super easy! Your 30-second phone calls urging your legislators to “please support H.R. 503 and S. 727 to protect horses from slaughter” are critica

Rescued (Retired Actually) Horse and Owner of the Day--- J J Bob and Ruth
The latest featured horse's story is a bit different, JJ Bob is a registered Paint (his sire was an Appaloosa and the dam was a Thoroughbred). Ruth says that she sold her jumper to claim JJ Bob off the track so she could retire him at the end of the fair season in Northern California. JJ Bob's first job after retirement was to become a pony horse at the track at Golden Gate Fields.
After Ruth left the track JJ Bob was trained to learn to participate in pole bending and barrel racing. JJ Bob was so talented he became triple A rated in both events. Ruth went on to become involved with cowboy mounted shooting and she and JJ Bob have won state, regionals,nationals and a world championship!
Prior to Ruth claiming him, as a race horse he was 2yr champion and Horse of the Year for Appalossa's in 1992. JJ Bob equaled the world record for a 1/4 mile in his 1st start as a 2yr. and holds the 4 1/2furlong track record at Vallejo. JJ Bob had 50 starts, 19 wins, 7 seconds, and 3 thirds and earned $ 125,065 during his career from 1992-1997.
Now that is what I call a race horse and a wonderful friend and find!
There are many more JJ Bob's out there that can do many jobs or activities off the race track. Please contact your local equine retirement facility to see what you can do to help by volunteering, sponsoring, fostering or adopting a former race horse.
You will never regret it!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
New York Racing Association & Other Groups Pledge Support to Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
The New York Racing Association (NYRA) and many members of the Jockeys’ Guild who ride at its three racetracks, along with the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association (NYTHA) and The Jockey Club, have jointly pledged more than $100,000 in financial support in 2009 to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF), which provides humane retirement options for Thoroughbreds at the end of their racing careers, it was announced today. NYRA will contribute $50,000 while NYTHA and The Jockey Club will donate $25,000 each. All 29 of the regular NYRA-based riders have pledged to donate, through a voluntary checkoff program, $1 from each mount.“This is an example of industry stakeholders working together to do the right thing for the welfare of racehorses when they can no longer race,” said Diana Pikulski, executive director of the TRF. “We are very grateful to NYRA, NYTHA, The Jockey Club and the Jockeys’ Guild and we would encourage organizations and individuals at other racing circuits around the country to follow their example.”“This is an interim step while the New York racing community works out a more comprehensive and detailed plan to deal with this issue,” said Hal Handel, executive vice president and chief operating officer of NYRA. “We want to have something in place that we can all be proud of.”“We make our living because of these horses,” said John Velazquez, four-time leading NYRA jockey. “Because of that, we love to be a big part of helping out with retired horses and enabling them to be better cared for.”“After the situation with the Paraneck horses, I felt strongly that we needed to do something to make sure these horses are well taken care of after their racing careers,” said Richard Migliore, a fixture of the NYRA jockey colony. “They give us so much that it is really important we try and take care of them when they are done racing.”The NYRA jockeys’ donations will be retroactive to June 27.
“Regardless of the amount raised through the checkoff, we will guarantee our $100,000 matching donation to each of those two charities,” said Alan Marzelli, president of The Jockey Club. “In so doing, we will earmark $25,000 of the contribution to TRF for this New York-based effort.”The Jockeys’ Guild is an organization that was formed and is governed by Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse jockeys who ride throughout the United States .
Founded in 1983, the TRF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to retiring Thoroughbred racehorses after they are finished racing. TRF operates retraining and adoption facilities and satellite farms across the country as well as vocational training in equine care for inmates at nine correctional facilities nationwide. TRF currently maintains approximately 1,800 horses. Additional information is available at trfinc.org.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Papi Chullo and the Thwarted Efforts of a Few

Randomly visiting the Mammee Ridge farm site to see if there were any new photos of Papi Chullo I was stunned to find news of his death!
From Sunday May 10th:
It is with regret that we announce the death of Papi Chullo who died this morning. An necropsy performed by Dr. Clifford Bradford indicated that the young stallion suffered a heart attack.
Papi Chullo, a Graded Stakes winner of 7 races and US$390,062.00 endeared himself to racing fans throughout the United States. He arrived in Jamaica to stand at Mammee Ridge Farm, and became an immediate favourite of the staff and the local community alike.
Two mares have been confirmed to be in foal to the late Papi Chullo.
He will be missed.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Kentucky Horse Council Provides a new DVD for Potential Horse Owners

Release: July 06 2009 (Edited)
By Essie Rogers
Understanding the responsibilities of horse ownership just became much easier thanks to a new DVD, HorseSmarts: Essential Advice for Today’s Horse Owner, from the Kentucky Horse Council (KHC) and produced by Marvo Entertainment Group. In an effort to meet the needs of new and potential horse owners, the Kentucky Horse Council collaborated with equine industry experts to produce a 60-minute film. The DVD contains 10 chapters, including horse selection considerations, nutrition, hoof care, safety, tack, veterinary care, preventative healthcare, facilities, trailer loading and transportation, and all about the Kentucky Horse Council. Supplemental information and articles are included in PDF format on the DVD and can be viewed and printed after purchase. “Our goal in creating this DVD is to help all horses receive better care and to provide resources so that new horse owners have a safe and enjoyable horse ownership experience,” Millard continued......the video is now available for purchase from the Kentucky Horse Council. Filmed on location at horse farms and equine facilities throughout Kentucky, HorseSmarts features renowned jockey Chris McCarron as the host.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Internet Listing Finds TB "Strider" in WA State and Groups That Can Help, including The Prodigious Fund at Emerald Downs Race Track

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Donating Your Horse To Charity & Featured Rescued Horse and Owner of the Day

Recently, I was asked if I would network to find a new home for a pony (this is not the pony by the way). The owner had stipulated that the pony was to go to a non profit organization only, so that the present owners could receive a tax write-off. This presented two issues that I hadn't come across before. 1) attempting to find a non profit that would be suitable for a pony that was a bit head strong, and didn't like the routine of a round pen, but wanted to go all day long on a trail and 2) the owners nor I were aware of what the tax code was for this type of donation.
To update the story based upon what the owners learned, they have decided to keep the pony at this time.
Featured Rescued Horse and Owner of the Day: Lauren Knows and Alanna McPartlin
Basin Equine Rescue in August 2008.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Fireworks & Horses, Launch of the Women's Horse Industry Association & Texas Govenor Signs Incentive Fund Bill
(615) 730-7833mailto:730-7833whra44@yahoo.com
No one could have predicted the incredibly fast start the new WOMEN'S HORSE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION would have. Thousands of women visited the group's website and hundreds of member have signed up.
"We could not believe the response to our association. It' been incredible and we now have hundreds of members not only here in the United States, but from around the world. We have member from all areas of the horse industry including farms, trainers, owners, vets, authors, bloodstock agents, jockeys and more.So many women signed up that it crashed our webserver! I've been involved in numerous associations and I have never seen anything like the response we have had. I can only compare it to a race horse blasting out of the starting gate like a rocket," states Executive Director, Catherine Masters.
Masters credits the media including Bloodhorse and the Horse for helping to spread the word about the association. "Many, many publications and people have shared the news about this association and we are grateful.Women really wanted an association like this and now our job is to make sure that it really works for them," she adds.
The association is open to all women working in the horse industry and covers all disciplines. For additional information on the Women's Horse Industry Association, please call (615) 730-7833 or visit http://www.womenhorseindustry.com/
Horses and Fireworks - An Explosive Combination
The ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) is appealing to everybody organising a firework event, whether a big display or a just a happy gathering in a back garden, to make sure that they give horse owners in their area advance warning. Many horses and ponies can become stressed and upset by both the sight and sound of fireworks going off and if they are out in their fields it could have tragic consequences. Horseowners are advised to:
* make sure they are aware of firework parties in their area;
* stable their horses and ponies if there are to be fireworks nearby;
* give them plenty of hay to keep them occupied;
* check on them during the evening to make sure they are okay;
* check the field in the morning for any stray fireworks that may of landed there;
* have sand and water available in case of fire
The Texas Equine Incentive Fund will provide rural jobs in the state of Texas by providing incentives to raise and show horses in Texas, rather than other states. The funds for the program are raised within the horse industry and will be administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The rules and guidelines for the program will be determined by a panel representing each of the stock-horse breeds.
Texas is home to about 900,000 horses. More than 450,000 people are employed by or involved in the industry. For more information, contact the Texas-Bred Horse Association at 214/223-4188. Watch upcoming issues of The American Quarter Horse Journal for more information on this program.
The Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit Release Hoof Care DVD & Horse and Owner of The Day
The 65-minute DVD, which was produced by the Keeneland Association’s broadcast services department under the direction of G.D. Hieronymus, includes seven segments:
Introduction and Overview, Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit, Physiology — The Equine Limb, Basic Hoof Care and Trimming, The Basics of Horse Shoeing, Types of Shoes,
Farrier’s Role and Communication (with Trainers and Owners). The video is available for download (at no charge) from the summit’s website at http://www.grayson-jockeyclub.org/summitdisplay.asp. (Note: this is a large file download.) A DVD copy of The Hoof: Inside and Out can be obtained free of charge (limit one per customer) by contacting Cathy McNeeley, The Jockey Club’s administrative assistant for industry initiatives, at (859) 224-2728 or cmcneeley@jockeyclub.com.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Jockey Club Program Fund Benefits Charities & Horse and Owner of the Day
Last week I asked for readers to send in pictures of their off the track race horses or horses found on auction lots and saved from slaughter, and share their stories. Our inaugural OTTB (off the track thoroughbred) is Byeairmail a Breeders Cup nominated 8 year old, beautiful bay mare. Byeairmail earned $ 26,000 during her racing career and then went on to be an unsuccessful broodmare, as her story is that she was found on a feedlot after losing her last two foals.
Blog Archive
- 60 Years Later Still as Haunting--- Death of a Rac...
- Del Mar and Saratoga-- Racing and Charity Go Hand ...
- Lukas-- The Worlds Smartest Horse- & the Good News...
- An Equine's Rights??-- The Argument for and Agains...
- 30 Year Old WA Hall of Famer-- Chinook Pass Alive ...
- Abandoned Horses a Sign of the Times--- Domesticat...
- The End of a Racing Meet Finds Me With a Renewed S...
- Horses on the Hill Day & Horse and Owner of the Day
- New York Racing Association & Other Groups Pledge ...
- Papi Chullo and the Thwarted Efforts of a Few
- The Kentucky Horse Council Provides a new DVD for ...
- Internet Listing Finds TB "Strider" in WA State an...
- Donating Your Horse To Charity & Featured Rescued ...
- Fireworks & Horses, Launch of the Women's Horse In...
- The Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit Rel...
- Jockey Club Program Fund Benefits Charities & Hors...